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Conversation in ten forward

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2024 @ 12:48am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG T'Lar

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is Only the Beginning
Location: Deck 10 | Ten Forward | USS Concord

Tyler Driskill wasn’t the Captain that found himself in ten forward very often. He hadn't really taken a break and decided it might be good to visit the mess hall. Good for the crews morale and good for himself. He smiled at the Lieutenant who was approaching the mess hall as well and gestured for her to go before him. “After you” Captain Driskill said politely.

The young Vulcan looked up from the padd she was reviewing and gave a slight nod toward the man as she took the opportunity to step inside the mess hall and walked over to a replicator terminal "Poke Tar and a Source tea. " She ordered. Moments later she took her meal and sat down at a small table near a view port.

Captain Driskill had stopped at a few tables on his way to the replicator to say hi or answer a question from someone who waved him over. Tyler ended up stepping away from the replicator with a cup of coffee and a glazed donut. Looking around he saw one of his bridge officers sitting alone and decided to see if she wanted some company. “Lieutenant would you like some company” he asked as he approached the small table by the view port.

The woman looked up and inclined her head slightly before motioning to the seat. "That would be acceptable." She replied, taking a short sip from her tea as the Captain sat down.

“Thank you” Tyler said with a polite smile as he took the seat. Taking a a drink from his coffee and sat it on the table. Not saying anything he observed the room for a moment and then broke the silence “how are you holding up?”

The woman set the cup and looked to the captain. "Your concern for my well being is understandable if not unnecessary. There is no logical purpose in concerning oneself with that which cannot be changed; however thank you for your concern Captain" "if I am honest I find the potential in exploring an unknown area of space fascinating."

“It is rather ex asciting isn’t it” Captain Driskill asked but rather than wait for her answer he continued. “Have you managed to get much rest” he asked with a concerned tone to his voice. He knew they have been in a bit of a crisis mode but they were now on their way through the Delta Quadrant to find the missing USS Voyager.

"My rest periods have not been ideal, however Vulcans can operate for long periods with little sleep if necessary." She replied. "it is an evelutionarynhold over from a time where my people needed to be weary of predators."

“Well hopefully as repairs are close to being complete we can all get a little more rest” the Captain said before taking another sip of his coffee. He knew most of the people on the Concord had been pulling extended hours.

"Fortunately Concord the resources to be more self sufficient than the potential of the Intrepid class.those resources will be a significant advantage where Starfleet support is not easily obtained." She paused as she began to consume her food "If I may be as bold Captain, you appear to be concerned with the crew's wellbeing given the current circumstances; however your own wellbeing stands to be considered as well."

Tyler didn’t respond for a few seconds he only sipped his coffee. “I’m responsible for everyone’s safety” he looked her in the eyes but didn’t address his own well-being. He was however fine, more so physically than mentally.

"Indeed, however I must point out that a ships crew takes its queue from the captain. If you are concerned with their ability to rest and ...recharge as you humans say; it is logical to set the example by ensuring the captain does not over tax his self.". She replied out of a mixture of empathy and logic, though most would be hard pressed to notice the flicker of emotional influence in her daily demeanor.

The Captain knew she was right but didn’t say anything at first only listened and sipped from his mug. He decided to shift subjects “how are things in the security and tactical department?” He thought her perspective would be nice to hear.

"I find Lieutenant Wilde most competent." She replied."her evaluation of the current situation and her preparation is almost Vulcan in its detail."

Driskill was glad to hear the word from the Assistant Chief Security and Tactical Officer. “I have every confidence that the two of you will run the department efficiently.”

"Thank you Captain. It is gratifying to hear your.. Faith in our abilities." She paused for a moment and set her cup on the table. "If I may ask, what is your level of concern with entering a largely unmapped area of space with its own political and sociological identity;twhich may or may not identify with StarFleet principles? Logic would support we cannot simply return to a starbase for repairs or resupply.". It was perhaps a forward question and certainly one that might invite larger debate; however she did feel it was a question that helped paint a clearer picture of the type of man the Captain was and how he commanded.

“I’d say we need to approach every situation with caution” Captain Driskill admitted. “I have my concerns about supplies and hostile aliens of course” Tyler paused and made eye contact “you sounds like you have some concerns yourself, Lieutenant?”

"Indeed. While it is true that the nebula class is capable of operating for extended periods without resupply. There are also maters of space born hazards, pirates. It would be logical to to seek to establish allies early to lay the foundation for an infrastructure the crew may rely on if needed. "

"I agree" Tyler said with a nod "we will attempt to establish peaceful relations with anyone we come across here in the Delta Quadrant." He had no clue who Captain Janeway and her people had encounter, much less if they had made any allies or enemies.

"Indeed. I would also request any sensor data that may pertain to species and civilians we encounter, that I may begin compiling an intelligence database. Such a database may prove useful should we encounter hostile action during our mission."

“Absolutely” Captain Driskill replied “I like where you are going with this Lieutenant.”

"It is merely the logical course of action given the circumstances we find ourselves in Captain. Gaining as much knowledge of the quadrant and it's political landscape will not only help us navigate the area efficiently, it will be an invaluable asset to Starfleet should exploration and trade opportunities open up." T'lar replied as she took another sip from her mug.

Tyler raised his mug and with a slight smile said "here's hoping to more opportunities than trouble."

"I believe there is an old Earth phrase that would apply well to our predicament. "Hope for peace but prepare for war." T'lar said evenly as she slipped her tea.


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