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Once more unto the breach

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 4:13am by Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge & Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is Only the Beginning


After grabbing Wilde while on the Bridge, Joseph made his way to the turbolift and ordered for transporter room 2. He crossed his arms as he stood there. Looking to Nixie. He spoke gently “So. Stupid question, but how are you settling?” He smiled a bit while he asked, the turbolift humming away.

A whisp of a smile pulled at the corner of Wilde's lips and she tilted her head in a knowing fashion. "Well, I know I said I was up for an adventure out on the frontier, but I didn't figure on us making such an entrance..."

Letting out a soft laugh, Joseph gave her a nod and spoke “I feel you there. Well. Let’s do our best to give it the old Starfleet try! Who knows. Maybe they will be more friendly than we think. Have some wormhole tech to help us get to Voyager faster?” A hint of hopeful thinking in his voice.

After barely another moment, the turbolift came to a quick halt, the doors hissing open. Joseph looked to the security officer before he stepped off and turned towards the transporter room doors.

"Let's hope that doesn't involve a deal with the devil..." Nixie sighed softly as she gave a small half-smile, following him out as she retied her dark red hair more securely.

Doctor Gaeta had gathered the emergency medical kit for...well, emergencies. And had made his way to the transporter bay. Stretching one's legs was good for many things. In this case, perhaps he was going a bit stir crazy. He looked at Sledge and Wilde, giving them both a nod. "No one from science joining us? Is this not first contact?" he asked, but it was playful, almost as if to suggest that if science was there they would not be able to set foot before every scan and test had been done and triple checked and potentially peer reviewed.

“As much as we should. I want to limit this contact. Who knows if Voyager has run in to this species and if they are friendly to Starfleet as a result.” He looked to the doctor as he spoke “plus I trust you to get some scans while you can” with a wink.

"You have a lot of trust in a doctor," Gaeta said lightly, but with warmth as well. He'd take it in his stride, doubling up on duties.

"A doctor...that needs a phaser..." Nixie moved for the weapon's locker, tapping lightly on the control panel to make it click open. She checked her own sidearm before slotting a spare battery to her belt, strapping a torch to her wrist and offering a Type 2 across.

Looking to the security officer, Joseph spoke up “perhaps the Type 2 is a little overboard. We should be fine with the Type 1 crickets in our belt pocket. Don’t you think?” However sensing an argument Joseph gave his head a shake “perhaps you’re right.. who knows what these people are like.” As he took a holstered Type 2 from the locker and slid it on his belt before pulling it out and coding it for himself, presetting it to maximum stun.

"Until we know what's causing the distress in that distress call, we can't be too careful," Nixie replied firmly, arching an eyebrow as she held the phaser out to the doctor, clearly expecting him to take it without argument.

Roan took it, checking it with a movement that showed some awareness and experience with phasers. He gave a nod, looking at them. "If there are survivors, we are...aliens to them. They will most likely be scared."

"First Contact protocols would be pertinent," Nixie had to agree, her tone almost suggesting she had no choice but to agree. "But we have no idea what crisis we're about to walk into, their ship is badly damaged, and we have no idea who the aggressors are, and if they're still over there or not."

"As Chief Security...I'll follow your lead on that," he said, meeting her eyes. He knew that she was responsible for their safety...if he ignored her, he was putting himself in danger. And Roan wasn't stupid, he liked being alive.

Joseph looked to the two of them and clapped both on the shoulders. He grinned and spoke “cmon. Let go make our first First Contact in the Delta!” He let out a happy laugh before practically hopping on to the transporter pad.

Nixie let out a soft breath at Joseph's reaction. It was certainly a fair argument to say that being a cynic was part of being a Security Chief....always preparing for the worst case scenario. But she'd be lying if she said there wasn't a natural cynical streak running through her. As she climbed the steps and settled on a spot on the transporter pad, she hoped the First Officer's optimism wasn't dampened by whatever they found over there.

Roan followed, a bit more serious than Sledge. He did a final pat on his medical bag, a habit, like a prayer or something like that. Hopefully, this was just a way for them to help a new people. One could hope.

Joseph took his place on the pad and waited for the others to get in to place. As soon as they were, Sledge looked to the transporter chief and spoke “energize.” Before the woman tapped a couple of controls and slid her fingers upwards. Feeling the familiar tingle of his body being broken down in to molecules, only to be reassembled just as quickly on board the Kobali vessel, always sent a shiver down his spine and filled his stomach with butterflies. After the disorientation waned, Joseph looked around and stepped forward in to a corridor. He called out “hello?”

An unknown alien came stumbling down the stark corridor. Moans and heavy breathing was followed by “help us” before the alien fell to the floor in front of the away team.



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