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Waiting impatiently

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 4:10am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Chaika & Lieutenant Kaelyn Carter & Lieutenant JG T'Lar & Lieutenant JG Rhee Xiviu

798 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is Only the Beginning
Location: Deck 1 | Bridge | USS Concord
Timeline: Shortly after away team departs

Captain Driskill stood behind the operations station reviewing sensor data of the alien ship. They had arrived just minuets ago and the First Officer was assembling an away team to beam over and offer assistance. The crew on the bridge of the Federation starship USS Concord continued to try and re-establish communications "Lieutenant keep attempting to regain contact with the alien ship. I'd like to let them know help is on the way before the Commander's team beams in."

"Yes Captain," Lieutenant Junior Grade Rhee Xiviu nodded, her face still as she moved her fingers. For a moment she hesitated and then tried again. Nothing. She made a point of relaying it. "No response yet. They may not understand what our hail means. Or be too damaged to respond." Or dead. But no one really wanted to hear that.

"Any clue what caused the damage to their ship" Tyler asked wanting to know if they were attacked so he might be prepared to face an attack on the Concord. He needed to be as prepared as possible, they were far from home and any assistance from the Federation or it's allies.

"Impossible to know at this stage," Rhee said and looked over at the scans. "If I was going to make a guess, it may look closer to our phasers than anything else." She volunteered. She didn't like guessing. And until more scans had been taken and residue was guessing. "Certainly an energy-based weapon with the lack of debris."

“Lieutenant T’Lar let’s keep a close eye on sensors” Tyler went back to his seat. “If there are any hostile aliens in this sector or the aliens we are here to help turn out to be more foe than friend.” There was a brief pause “could there be any natural phenomena that might have damaged their ship, Lieutenant Carter?”

“While it is possible, nothing on our sensors so far would support that idea,” Carter advised, “And on balance, weapons fire would certainly be more likely”

T'lar continued to scan the area. An alert would display on her console for several seconds then cease. It would repeat that sequence several times as well as appear to be moving in a pattern that may Indicate an intelligent pattern. "Sir, I am tracking a curious signal. A partial sensor contact or intermittent and unknown origin."

“Distance and heading” was the only question from the Captain thus far

"Distance five thousand Kilometers, heading 085 mark 270." T'lar replied .

“Intelligent but not hostile pattern?” The Captain asked just double checking his information as the course was running parallel to their own.

"Possibl Captain. It may simply be a dark matter eddy or it may be some sort of stealth unit monitoring the area following an attack. It would be difficult to assertain which possibility is
Correct without further imperical data."

“Continue to monitor. We don’t want our people being attacked but we will deal with that if it comes.” The Captain sat there for a second watching the ship on the screen “bridge to engineering.”

"Yes. Engineering," Chaika's voice replied.

“Lieutenant Chaika have a repair team on stand by” they would send additional teams to the alien ship when the First Officer gave the okay.

"Repair team Yes. May I enquire to what we will be repairing?" Chaika asked a notable tone of confusion in the Asobi's voice.

“We are answering an unknown alien vessels distress call” the Captain replied over the internal communication system. "Their ship is badly damaged so we will either be evacuating them or helping them make repairs" Driskill said almost as he was giving an order.

Xiviu looked at the Captain as he spoke, taking a slow breath. "Do you want anyone from Operations to go with as well, Captain?" she asked, deciding to raise the question. "It may be helpful translations."

“Great idea, Lieutenant Xiviu” the Captain gave a soft smile. “Once the initial team deans it safe we will send over additional teams.”

"I can lead the engineering team over to complete an assessment?" Chaika's voice asked over the comm.

“Of course once Commander Sledge gives us clearance” Tyler replied to his engineer over the comm system. “Lieutenant Xiviu keep a transporter lock on our people. We don’t know what they are walking into over there.” The Captain would check in soon if he doesn't hear from the away team and the bridge crew will continue to monitor the away team as best they can.

"Yes Captain," Xiviu said as she gave a nod, making sure that she had a lock on them. At least with their combadges they were easily identified, and with the other ship's shields down there was no problem transporting them back.



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