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Once and Away Team

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge & Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta & Lieutenant Commander Gulati

1,457 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is Only the Beginning
Location: Kobali vessel


Having barely a moment to register what happened, Joseph stepped forward and knelt down beside the fallen alien. He reached down and gripped their shoulder, flipping them on to their back. They turned limply, life gone from their eyes. Sledge spoke “Doc!” As he looked to Gaeta.

Gaeta moved to his side, frowning as he took his medical tricorder. Dead. He shook his head, a silent no. Nothing he could do.

Nix shook her head as her jaw clenched unconsciously at the turn of events and her body braced for a fight. She checked her phaser setting, keeping the weapon free and ready to fire even as she checked her tricorder. She gave a firm nod towards the end of the darkened corridor. "Seven life signs, all the same species, 50 meters, to the left..." she pushed into motion, running forward.

Joseph looked from Gaeta to Wilde when she spoke before running off. He growled and called out “Lieutenant!” Before he signed and stood up and spoke “cmon doc!” Before he moved to follow his security officer.

Gaeta pushed himself up and followed, his medical bag held with more importance than the phaser. But he kept the medical tricorder out, glancing down as he scanned the air for anything...that could kill them.

As Nix rounded the corner, she was confronted by seven wounded people, all in varying states of trauma. While she saw alarm and fear flicker between the aliens, they made no move to attack. She held her free hand out to the side, to show no will to attack either, shifting out the of the way so she could cover the doctor who was no doubt about to go into full on triage mode. "We received your distress call, we're here to help," she assured calmly but firmly, knowing that frightened people could be just as dangerous as aggressive ones.

Several of the aliens were in no shape to attempt to communicate with these strangers. However one of the less banged up Kobali stood from helping a fellow crew mate and demanded to know "who are you? Are you the ones that attacked us?" he was reaching for a weapon.

"I'm a doctor," Gaeta said, stopping by Nix's side, holding his hands up as he watched them. "We didn't attack...we're here to help. Can I come closer?"

"Yes" the Alien said with a nod "our Captain need assistance" he pointed to a alien lying on the floor unconcious.

Gaeta walked over, slowly, moving to kneel by the alien. "My name is Doctor Gaeta," he said, meeting the alien's eyes. "What's your name, and the name of your Captain?" he started scanning the unconscious alien.

“I am Kindra and our Captain is Morana” he let out a sigh of pain.

Joseph had moved in to the room behind Gaeta and looked around. He looked to the one pointing out the Captain. He stepped closer and spoke “I am Commander Joseph Sledge of the U.S.S. Concord. I promise we are here to answer your distress call.”

He moved to help move some debris that had covered the Kobali Captain.

There was moaning of pain and discomfort from the alien Captain. “” he passed out from his injuries before he could say anything else.

Gaeta was working on stablising the Captain while John was talking to him and the moment the man became unconscious he looked a Sledge. "I can keep him alive here, but not conscious...he needs proper medical attention with more than a standard medical bag." He looked over at Kindra. "Is your sickbay still operational?"

“That deck has been badly damaged” Kindra admitted with a sigh. “When our plasma injectors went bad our ship suffered extensive damage.”

Joseph looked to the doctor and sighed a bit. After a moment he tapped his commbadge and spoke =^=“Sledge to Concord. The captain of their ship is badly injured. There are a lot of injured here and their sickbay is out of commission. Permission to transport the more severely wounded to our sickbay?”=^=

=/\=“right away. We will beam the injured and the doctor directly to sickbay”=/\=

Looking around the room, he spoke to the one that had spoken to Gaeta “your captain. He was trying to say something about the warp reactor?” He shifted a bit, worried that there was an overload in progress or a breach.

“We temporarily sealed the breach but our engineers were injured and we are not sure how long it will hold.”

With a nod, Joseph sighed and spoke “alright. Let me see what I can do to help. Is engineering still accessible at least?” He had tilted his head a bit while looking to the Kobali man.

“Yes” he said with a nod. “It’s four decks down” he gestured for the man in red to follow him. They arrived to find a dim lit, smoke filled room. There were a few of the aliens still standing, trying to save their ship. One of them turned to the visitor and his escort. “We’ve done everything we can but there is a fracture in the warp core that we can’t manage to seal. I think we are out of options sir.”

The second in command looked to Joseph with worry on his face and fear in his voice “I’m…I’m not sure what options we have.”

"Are we going down to take a look?" Nix asked Sledge with an arched eyebrow, already readying her phaser in case they were about to take a detour through the unknown vessel. It sounded like it might be too late, but it was the First Officer's decision...try and save the ship, or get a head start on evacuating it.

Joseph looked to Nix as he stood there. His gaze passing from the security officer to the Kobali crew. After a moment he spoke “I have some experience with warp cores. I want you and the doctor to get these people to the Concord as quickly as possible. I’m going to go see if we can avert a full breach. Is that understood Lieutenant?”

"Commander, you can't run around this ship on your own, we have no idea if the people that did this are still here or not," Nixie replied firmly, the stern set of her features displaying a clear warning.

Nate looked back to his security officer and spoke “I understand that Lieutenant. But if we don’t do something, this ship goes boom and may damage Concord even more! You have your orders!” His eyes showing there was no room to argue.

Nixie's jaw tightened, the break in protocol clearly fighting against every instinct in her. "Aye, Commander," she replied tersely, turning quickly to help the doctor wrangle the first group of wounded to transport over.

As soon as he was away from Nixie, Joseph tapped his commbadge and spoke =^="Sledge to Concord, We need an engineering team over here. Their Warp Core is about to overload and breach. They have it temporarily fixed but it can go at anytime. And I don't think we can move the Concord in time to prevent damage."=^=

=^="Understood Commander =^=" came to reply from the Captain, who immediately called for an engineering team to be sent over and for the Concord to be moved to as maximum distance for the transporters to still work.

USS Concord

On the bridge of the Federation starship, Lieutenant Gulati left the station that she had been manning to approach Captain Driskill. Commander Sledge and Lieutenant Wilde were on the alien ship with Doctor. In Gulati's mind that did not leave a clear chain of command.

"Captain," she said with a sense of urgency. "We don't have capacity in Sickbay to hold all those people, at least not comfortably. We will need to spill over into the surgical and neonatal wards. The intensive care units should be utilized as well. Deck twelve is about to get busy" explained Gulati.

An exhale of vapor came off from her breathing apparatus. "I'll call all medical personnel. The Doctor will have their hands busy."

“Anyone with any medical training should report immediately” the Captain concurred. “Use ten forward and cargo bay two if needed. Although our scans show there are only twenty seven aliens aboard.”

"We probably won't need ten forward or the cargo bay, but I'll keep them on stand by" Gulati replied. She just wanted to ensure that the Doctor had space and that any wounded would not see those that couldn't be saved lying on a biobed next to them.

“Whatever you need, Lieutenant” the Captain made his exit. He didn’t want to lose anyone else.



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