
Klingon Battlegrounds

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 2:18am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta & Lieutenant JG Kahlin & Crewman Vakra Kor

2,418 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is Only the Beginning
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Kot'baval Festival

Vakra had walked into a holodeck. He had requested today off for Religious Reasons and Heritage. He locked out the door with an inverted language cypher based on an Archaic Klingon Dialect. He had bypassed several security measures. He turned the safety protocols off. This action notified the the Doctor, The Chief of Security, Engineering, the Commander, and the Captain. When they arrived, it would be a hell of a time to get it unlocked, including a functional knowledge of Klingon Language and Esoteric Culture. They could pull it up on the monitor and watch while they got it unlocked.

He spoke, "Kot'Baval Rite. File Vakra 1."

The Program started. He was in the role of his Ancestor, Kahless. The Ritual was to follow Kahless' violent and bloody path to Molar.

The alarm went off on the Captains small chair console, letting the bridge know safeties had been disabled. “Who is in holodeck two” he asked and waited for answers.

The Computer answered, "Crewman Vakra."

“Bridge to holodeck two” the Captain called over the internal communication system.

The Computer answered, "Communications has been disabled in holodeck 2."

Nixie glanced up from her panel with a frown, shaking her head at a loss as to what Vakra was doing in there. "Want me to go and take a look, Captain”

Tyler gave a nod “I’ll be joining you” he started toward the turbo lift.

Nixie let out a long, soft breath, following him into the lift with a frown. As the doors closed and offered them some privacy, she glanced his way, shaking her head. "I'm not aware of anything he's working on that would warrant something like this."

When they arrived, the door was locked out. He had managed to lock it out in a manner that even the Security Override unless they answered the riddle/joke which was in Klingon.

naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq majaHlaH'a'? (Can I get to the great hall from here?) Was the question. It had to be answered in Klingon. After it was answered, another question popped up. Doq'a' SuvwI'? (Are Warriors red?) Then a third question in English popped up, What is the difference between a Starfleet Captain and a Klingon?

Inside the holodeck it could be heard, "Come get some. Step up. I like it."

“A riddle” Captain Driskill said before letting out a frustrated huff. “Let’s get these doors open, Lieutenant” he wasn’t real thrilled as they had enough going on.

Nixie tugged her sleeves up before moving in closer, setting to work on using her senior access clearance to work on bypassing the lockout. "I'll start working on getting around it, but if you can answer this, go ahead," she said lightly. She had neither the patience or mind for riddles, but she did read Klingon. Not knowing whether the Captain did or not, she read the first one out loud even as she worked on decryption. "Can I get to the great hall from here?"

"What's going on here?" Roan asked, walking over to them with a medical bag. "I got a medical alert, safeties have been turned off," he said, almost to explain why he was doing there when he realised that the Captain and Chief Security looked as confused as he did.

Joseph had been making rounds on the ship when he wasn’t needed on the bridge when the computer summoned him. A young crewman looked at him curiously as he swore a bit in Orion before he headed for the closest turbolift. After a few moments he stepped out and made an airborne shuffle towards the holodeck. Seeing the others he spoke “what the hell?” Before he got close enough to see the screen and the riddles. Looking to the Captain he spoke “what’s going on?”

Vakra was on the inside and could be heard yelling, "Eat Bat'leth." He was excited and having a great time.

"Any good at Klingon riddles, Commander" Captain Driskill asked and started thinking about the riddle and what it translated to. "If I'm correct the first question ask about the Great Hall.

Vakra could be heard, "I'm gonna fuck you up." It was a bloodbath in there and he was enjoying himself.

"I'm working on bypassing the lock out," Nixie assured, shaking her head as she focussed her gaze on her work. "But if you can solve the riddle to get in quicker, all the better..."

"Something about killing bugs or" Driskill was trying hard with the Klingon, it wasn't a language he spoke or used often. "If the bugs don't bite you" he smiled "I think that's it... lIchopbe'chugh ghewmey" he gave his best Klingon translation.

That riddle went away and it lit up the second question. (Are Warriors red?)

"In the words of my trainer at Starfleet Boot....yeeye. Did I say that right?" He had to pull his knife out of a dead hologram. "Give that back." Vakra was laughing. "Yippie Ki Yay. That's it. From some old Earth movie."

"This is..." Roan let out a breath, annoyance showing on his face. "Computer, medical override of holodeck doors. Authorisation Gatea. Kappa. Niner. Alpha. Four."

Since Vakra had manipulated the door coding, a violation of Starfleet Procedures, they didn't open.

Tyler looked at the doctor and Nixie with an obvious look of both concern and frustration on his face. “Looks like we do this his way and figure out this damn riddle.”

"The next one is 'Are Warriors Red?'," Nixie translated, but otherwise kept herself focussed on cracking the lock the old fashioned way. She reckoned to be about half way through, but if the others could get the doors open faster with the prompts, she wouldn't object.

“I” Tyler paused “I remember this one. Ghobe’ SuD” he called out answered by a beep from the computer but the program still didn’t unlock. “Now what” he looked at his team getting frustrated.

Vakra yelled and laughed.

The last question popped up. It was a joke. "What is the difference between a Starfleet Captain and a Klingon?" It was a reference to his respect for Picard.

Captain Driskill was becoming very frustrated “what the hell” he started pacing.

Roan frowned as he looked at Driskill, then at the door. "Can we not just get someone from Engineering up here to..." he gestured to the door. "Blow it up? Can we blow it up?"

"Well, I can also cut it open, but that would take as long as it would for me to crack this," Nixie gave a tsk sound, leaning in to get a closer look. "Unless you can answer 'What the difference is between a Starfleet Captain and a Klingon?' to save the door, and my time..."

"Depends on the Klingon," Roan said and then stopped. Frowning. "Or does it. Klingons are...battle orientated as a whole. A Starfleet Captain's main goal is to peace."

The Question about the difference between a Starfleet Captain and a Klingon was the joke that he told Lt Wilder and Commander Sledge. It was a reference to his respect for Picard.

Inside, he was chasing the Holographic Molor down. This entire scene was a reenactment of Kahless killing Molor, celebration with feasts, combat tournaments, and reenactments. He was doing the latter. "If you make me chase you, you will die tired."

Joseph had been standing there contemplating the final riddle since it had popped up. He had been silent while the others found the solutions for the first two. He scratched at the stubble growing on his chin before he spoke “who is the only Starfleet Captain the Klingon’s have truly had any respect for?” He looked to the others “as far as I can recall, it would be Picard. Right? I mean he helped as Arbitrator of Succession after K’mpec’s death…”

After another moment or two, Joseph looked to Nixie and snapped his fingers before he spoke “remember the other day in the brig?” He snapped his fingers a couple of more times as he stared at the bulkhead “what the fuck was it he said?” He mumbled under his breath.

Nixie frowned as she split her concentration between decryption and thinking back on the brig. She was no good at riddles, having neither the patience or inclination for them. But what he said stirred the memory. "Something about Captain Picard...?"

"Try that...just...something about Captain Picard being a brilliant diplomat," Roan said, his patience worn thin enough that he had started to pace. It was a very different look from the normal smiling, calm and collected doctor.

After a moment of thinking, Joseph furrowed his brow. He looked to Wilde for a moment before he spoke “‘If a White Bald Starfleet Captain arrives, you know he saves the day’” his head tilting a bit as he said it.

The door opened to an older version of the Capital City on Quinoa. There were dead holographic Klingons everywhere.

Vakra stabbed Molar as they entered and used his bat'leth sword to lift the tyrant.

“Computer end program” Captain Driskill ordered, obvious frustration in his voice.

All the Klingons disappeared. Vakra was left holding a bat'leth, a crazy look in his eyes.

Nixie pulled her phaser from its holster as she waited for the computer to comply...pretty much all of the shenanigans thus far has been against protocol, she wasn't going to take any chances.

Roan too stepped forward, his face like thunder and his medical bag held close. Frown the noises that had come inside and the safeties being off, and what he knew about the Klingons, there would be blood inside the holodeck.

The Holographic blood disappeared, all that was left was Vakra's blood and sweat. Vakra stood victorious, having completed the reenactment for the holiday.

Joseph furrowed his brow a bit and followed the others in while the holograms disappeared. He spoke “what in the hell Vakra?” Watching the man.

Vakra grinned a very, very Klingon grin. "Destressing and celebration of Cultural Holidays, Sir. One dedicated to my ancestor."

"Once you are cleared by medical" Captain Driskill glanced over at doctor Roan Gaeta "report to my ready room."

Vakra nodded, "Yes, Sir."

Gaeta nodded, stepping forward. He looked at Vakra before taking his medical tricorder. "Sit down," he instructed him, a slight frown pulling his eyebrows together as he started scanning his injuries.

He had a cracked rib, a stab wound and a slash on one arm and down his back. Considering the amount of dead holographic Klingons he fought through, he was in good shape.

Captain Driskill left the other headed for his ready room. He wasn’t very happy and needed to take a moment before speaking with the Crewman.

Vakra looked at the Doc, "I've been worse, Doc. I trained hard as a child."

Gaeta looked at him, his own eyes hard as he stared the Klingon right into the eyes. "That is no excuse, Crewman, for this stunt," he said, his voice firm. "Someone from the medical team should have been here throughout the entire thing, and it should have been cleared beforehand with the command staff." He went back to scanning him, concluding what was needed. "I am taking you to sickbay."

Vakra was confused because this week was the Festival of Kot'Boval. "The Commander told me to take some time to relax. I was working doubles and training for advanced security exams. So, I relaxed. I did the Reenactment of Kahless's path to challenge and kill Molor, traditionally done during the Kot'Boval Festival."

Joseph sighed and rubbed his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. Gently he spoke “Vakra.. I meant relax in a Risan program. Or on Pacifica. I know this is how Klingon’s relax. But considering our situation. We need all our crew members on hand. As many as we can get…” he looked to the albino Klingon with a piercing gaze “there is a time and a place for this. Not just after we get flung out of transwarp in the middle of bumfuck Delta Quadrant…”

Vakra nodded, "Details of rites should have been in my holodeck request so it could be denied. I will find others ways to honor that ancestor without disrespecting Command."

Gaeta looked at them before he moved closer to Vakra. "We should go to sickbay. I am sure this can be dealt with...officially, later," he said and met Sledge's eyes, raising an eyebrow. As much as he agreed, he was also conscious of the Klingon bleeding on the holodeck. Some poor crewman would have to clean that up later.

Joseph gave a nod to the doctor and spoke “of course. You’re right doctor… Vakra. Report to sickbay for a full examination. Understood?” His eyes locking on to the Klingon’s eyes as if to impress the seriousness of his words.

Vakra clicked his heals for the Commander, "Yes, Sir.", and then fell into March behind the doctor. He didn't wait to be dismissed, as it was implied with the order. Now wasn't the time to argue.

Nixie watched them pass her, reaching out to plant a subtle pat of her hand on Vakra's back on the way past. She looked back to Sledge before lifting both hands in the air as if to say 'I know'. "I'll talk to him, Commander."

Joseph gave a nod to Nixie, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was starting to get a migraine right behind his eyes. Slowly he brought his hand up and punched the bridge of his nose, hoping it would stem the onset.

Nixie looked him up and down as she folded her arms and settled her weight onto one hip, sympathising all too easily with his current mood. "Sure you don't need to head to Sickbay too, Commander?"

Joseph opened his eyes and looked to Nixie. He let out a bit of a sigh and nodded “might be a good idea.. maybe doc has something to stop the migraine before it gets to full swing…”

Nixie clapped her hand on his shoulder, tilting her head as amusement pulled at her lips. "Let me know the secret if he does," she chuckled, patting his shoulder a couple of times before heading out, sighing heavily to herself.

Joseph offered Nixie a tired, yet somehow bright smile and spoke “if he doesn’t, I know a good one in my quarters, synthehol, coffee and cream. They used to call it a White Russian.”



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