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Battle Borgs

Posted on Thu Jan 16th, 2025 @ 11:44pm by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Makai ("Kai") Nokamura & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta & Lieutenant Tyler Rehman & Lieutenant JG T'Lar

1,837 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Before reaching the asteroid field


:: Bridge ::

Nixie Wilde strode onto the bridge, one hand in her pocket and her PADD cradled in the crook of her other arm. She glanced down over the drill plans, a simulation that would play out across the entire ship. She wanted the whole crew prepared after all. Simulations were no replacement for the real thing, but the rinse repeat of carrying out procedure and exploring instinct was still invaluable.

She'd uploaded the program and looped in the sensor display ready for the space battle simulation. It would bring the heartstopping reality of a borg cube attack to life. As the simulation progressed, engineering and ops would have to rise to the challenge of fixing simulated damage, and medical would have to patch up fake wounds...although that would be delivered by the magic of holograms.

As would the boarders programmed to appear should they fail to repel the cube quickly enough. Usually the holoemitters throughout the ship offered limited scope for replicating boarding action, but they were just about perfect for simulating Borg boarding parties, given their MO of small groups of drones transporting directly into key areas of the ship, rather than large forces throughout.

For this first drill, she'd run with mostly using the experienced crew members in their usual positions, but she'd be sure to run further drills with the less experienced officers taking the reins; just in case. But for now, the Bridge housed the Skipper and First Officer in the hot seats with Walker on hand as advisor, Sledge at the Ops station, Rehman at Science and Vos at helm. She'd opted to put T'Lar in charge of Tactical though, keen to see her in action, and Nokamura was down in Engineering and Gaeta in Sickbay ready to play their parts.

Nixie finally looked up from her PADD as she neared the Captain, giving him a nod as she came to a stand still. "We're all ready Captain."

The Captain took a deep breath and then let it out while giving Nixie a nod. “ At your leisure, Lieutenant” was all he said, letting the security chief know he was ready as well.

"Then let's get this show on the road.." Nixie took one more glance at her PADD, but she knew it was all covered. She hit her commbadge as she straightened up, making her way further around to the back of the bridge. "Ready to commence simulation in" as the countdown ended, the bridge lights turned a touch darker as yellow lights pulsed and the sensors started flagging alerts of the 'approaching borg cube'.

Tyler Rehman stood at the science one console, his fingers tips against the lighted board, ready to go. Wilde counted down, and soon the bridge dimmed and was bathed in the soft hue of the yellow alert. He had done these types of tactical simulations before, they happened at the Academy, and they happened on this formed assignment, the USS Frankling. Having been stuck in the Delta Quadrant hadn't phased him, even getting injured by the Changeling had not bothered him as much as he thought it would, but tactical situations did tend to unnerve him. His heart began to beat faster, and he took in a breath and let it go to calm himself. It helped, especially as he cleared his mind, he would just focus on this one thing and one thing only.

"Report" Captain Driskill called out from the center seat, he was going along with the simulation and acting as if he didn't know what the danger on the sensors was. A single Borg cube, which was a major advisory to the Nebula-class starship, even with her advancements in technology.

"Sensores. Register a single cube bearing 054 mark 180. Their weapons systems are armed . She is closing on an intercept course". T'lar said as she displayed a tactical view in the main video screen

Captain Driskill stood from his chair "what's their heading" he took a few steps. He knew it was a drill but it felt real and his heart started beating faster as he waited for the responses from his bridge crew. Captain Driskill also knew that if they had detected the cube the Borg knew they were there and the fact the Federation hadn't made it to the Delta Quadrant and here was a Federation ship, might peak their interest.

Vos took a second look over her own readouts at the helm to be sure of her declaration before speaking. "I can confirm they altered a previous course to pursue their current intercept course..." the half-vulcan raised a dark eyebrow as she looked back to the Captain. "They're definitely coming for us."

"Red alert" Tyler ordered and turned to head back to his chair he swallowed hard. They were about to face one of the Federations toughest enemies, even if it was a simulation. "How long until they are in weapons range" he was trying to get a strategy in his head and wondering how long he had until the Borg would be able to attack them.

His hands flying across his console, Joseph looked at the readings and and looked over to the Tactical station as he boosted Tactical sensors as well as allotted extra power for the phaser arrays, hoping it helped T'Lar.

"The Cube will be within weapoks range in 60 seconds; however we will be within their weapons range in 45 seconds"

It didn’t take the Borg cube long to advance to weapons range and it immediately opened fire on the much smaller USS Concordusing it’s high energy phaser banks to drain the smaller ships shields. A standard Borg Collective tactic. “Report” Captain Driskill called out as the ship rocked from the first volley of photon torpedoes.

T'lar checked the tactical console before reporting . "Shields are at 83 percent and holding. Minor buckling on deck 3 section 28."

“Evasive maneuvers pattern delta three” Tyler Driskill ordered hoping the Borg might miss.

As Joseph worked his console, he looked up to the main viewscreen for a split second before he tapped an icon on his panel and spoke "Sledge to engineering, I'm sending a new shield nutation and frequency jump program."

"Got it," Kai answered. "Implementing ... now. Engineering out." His job was part hovering over the engineering console, studying readouts, while dispatching repair teams and ensuring that everything was up and running again as quickly as possible. He'd already notified certain of the off-duty personnel to hot standby so that they'd be ready if they were needed.

“Lock phasers” the bridge shook again “and fire” was the next set of orders.

"Setting Phasers to auto rotate frequency and power output firing!" T'lar replied as the bridge shook. "Shields down to 42 percent"

You could see a volley of photon torpedoes launch from the cube. “Evasive maneuvers” Captain Driskill called out and braced himself using the arms of his chair.

"On it!" Vos called with clear conviction across the bridge, her eyes fixed on the screen even as her fingers moved confidently across the surface of her console. She kept the ship a constantly moving target, the elegant vessel half rolling away from the fake fire, but as the only focus of the mighty cube, even taking just a fraction of their explosive output chipped inevitably away at their defences.


:: Sickbay ::

It had been a quiet shift until the ship shook snd went to red alert. Doctor Clark felt like her heart was racing almost as fast as if the ship were really being attacked by the Borg. She held on to the bio-bed stabilizing herself when the ship shook again. Two officers helped patient through the door and Amanda gestured toward the first bio-bed and the two men laid their cremate on the bio-bed. “What happened” Doctor Clark asked while making her initial observation.

“Found him laying by a blown console and brought him here” the Ensign wearing red answered the doctor.

“Thank you” Clark was letting the two able bodied officers get back to work. She could tell the patient was human and had pretty severe burns to his chest, neck, hands and arms. The tricorder confirmed her thoughts and Clark started her treatment. The ship shook a number of times and another patient rolled in and then another.

"Start triage," Gaeta ordered as he looked around, frowning slightly. "It'll only get rougher. Stabilise, make comfortable, we'll make it pretty once this battle is over." He was already moving to another patient, quickly assessing the injuries.

Doctor Clark started triage on the first patients that had been brought in. Directing one to the nearest bio-bed where she would start work.


:: Bridge::

After about half an hour of intense simulated battle the shields were depleted and the Concord had suffered some damage “get us” a console exploded tossing the crewman near it to the floor. Before the Captain could finish the order to get them away from the cube five drones beamed on to the bridge. “Intruder alert” Tyler shouted as one grabbed him and while injecting him with its assimilation tool the pair beamed off the bridge.

Looking up just in time to see Tyler get grabbed and hit with the assimilation tubules, Joseph grabbed his phaser from his hip and aimed for the next drone to transport in to the bridge "They got Driskill!" He shouted before firing at the drone, managing to hit it right in the oddly shaped ear, causing the head to practically burn away.

Vos swore loudly, the pilot abandoning her seat now the jig was up. Deep down, she knew it was only a simulation, but the shock of 'losing' the Captain set a flame burning inside of her. She turned sharply, her arms lifting in both defence and offence at the heavily built figure looming close to her.

T'lar reached for her phaser and pointed it at the drone nearest the captain. But couldn't get a clear shot; not at am output level high enough to kill the drone and not potentially harm the captain.

Joseph swapped his Phaser to his free hand before moving to slap a few commands in to his console, hoping the program he was enacting would help stem the flow of drones.

A few moments later, an urgent beeping noise sounded over the bridge, warning of imminent simulation failure....and then the borg drones disappeared as quickly as they'd arrived. The cube disappeared without a trace and the red alert light switched back to a calming white hue. Nixie shook her head lightly with a weak, half smile, holding her hands out with her PADD still clasped in one of them. "It's all over. They have the Captain and a few of Starfleet's secrets to boot."

The Captain came from his ready room “that could have went better” he admitted retaking his seat. “Let’s learn from the experience and hope if we encounter the Borg our experience goes.” There was a second long pause “well differently.”



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